Death & disability

Your challenges
Death & Disability benefits are genuine dialogue-fostering and loyalty-building tools that are essential for protecting your employees and their families, when faced with sometimes difficult situations while living abroad. To cover the risks of illness or accidents in and out of the workplace, you strive to provide them with appropriate coverage in the event of Death, Disability or Temporary Incapacity for work.
What we offer
Your Death & Disability coverage must be specifically tailored to suit your employees’ family situations and needs. This is why we offer a range of benefits:
- Temporary incapacity for work with the payment of a daily allowance
- Total or partial permanent disability with the payment of a daily allowance
- Death benefit / total and irreversible loss of autonomy / double death with the payment of a lump sum
Additional services
- Effective steering through the continuous tailoring of coverage in line with insured employees’ needs and observed costs
- Customized management of risk developments
- Optimization of coverage through consultations with different insurers
- Competitive pricing through the pooling of risks
- Regular detailed reports on the plan’s results